Auto QC

Auto QC is a automatic data profiler, enabling configurable specification and data files. The engine compiles the verification routines based on the configuration and field mapped to identify the data that matches and provides deviation reports. The web based reports provides details of the errors and data quality deviations.

Auto QC segregates the valid records and erroneous record into separate csv files. With the help of the reports the QA person can correct the records or send them back to the originator.

Data Quality Process

Auto QC is completely enabled for deployment in a service-oriented architecture, allowing data quality and business rules to be deployed real-time across the enterprise. business rules monitoring for your data, detecting when data exceeds pre-set limits and allowing you to immediately recognize and correct issues.

Data quality initiatives with a thorough profile: inspecting data, identifying defects, analyzing the cause and impact of defects, and reporting the results to the organization's stakeholders. Ideally, the data quality profile leads to corrective action, integrating process and technology, as well as the ongoing monitoring of data quality initiative

Each profile consists of certain activities, including data profile tests, analysis of data columns, and analysis of compliance with business rules. Depending on the scope identified in the planning phase, the profile may also include elements such as evaluations of street address quality and the level of redundancy found in the data records.

Auto QC data quality profile framework continues the assessment process resulting improvements in data quality and a clearer understanding of how these improvements add value to the organization.